14 Cabins, Cottages and Camps

14 Cabins, Cottages and Camps

Over the last few years, I’ve started photographing camps, cottages, and cabins while on my adventures through Vermont. While my main interest in photographing these structures is to capture their aesthetics and location, it also evokes a nostalgia for my childhood. I grew up in a geodesic dome in Greensboro Bend, VT. We lived in a remote location and I can remember having to walk to our house from the dirt road in winter and mud season when there was no way our car could make it in. The memories I have of my time there has shaped my character and given me a unique perspective on our world. I think living or staying in an unconventional structure can boost creativity and promote new ways of thinking about what a house can be. That can translate to other aspects of life and open your mind to new possibilities.

Among non-local folks I meet, there’s some confusion about the difference between camps, cabins and cottages—when they are used, how they are used, and where they are located. So, allow me to quickly break it down for you right here.:

Camp - When grown Vermonters say they are "going to camp” they don’t mean the sleep-away variety you send your kid to. Camp is a second home used to hunt, fish, and enjoy the outdoors. You should not expect luxuries like plumbing or electricity at camp, and you very well might need a high-clearance truck or an ATV to gain access to it. P.S. Vermonters love going to camp.

Cottage - This is a small, simple house, usually located near a lake or beach. They are easily accessible and typically have electricity and plumbing. While they tend to be vacation homes, some people live in their cottage year round.

Cabin - A small shelter or house made out of wood, which is situated in a wild or remote area. Cabins may or may not have plumbing and electric but no matter what the utility situation may be, you can live in a cabin 12 months out of the year.

I imagine myself living in these places that are so-called out in the middle of nowhere and feel inspired to share them with others. I think there can be a lot of beauty in something that gives you a nostalgic feeling. It makes you question time and place, it can take you back and slow you down. Here are some of my images that make me feel that way. 

Craftsbury’s Generous Stores

Craftsbury’s Generous Stores

Artist as Designer:  Q+A with Georgia and Jeremy Ayers

Artist as Designer: Q+A with Georgia and Jeremy Ayers